All space only stands have a legal obligation to build the stand to the required standards of the venue and local authority. To ensure that you are building your stand to the correct regulations, professional scale drawings showing all proposed construction must be submitted and approved; photographs and faxed copies cannot be accepted.
The design of your stand must be such that it can be erected and dismantled within the time available. A method statement for the construction process must accompany these plans along with a risk assessment and health and safety declaration. The Organiser reserves the right not to allow the build of your stand to begin if plans have not been submitted and approved prior to the show.
If you have a space only stand, please send a complete set of your plans (which include all measurements), method statement and risk assessment to these will be passed to the event stand plan inspector for clearance and once permission has been granted a letter of approval will be provided.
Detailed below are the requirements regarding the submission of plans:
- Completed Stand Design Inspection Form
- Include all dimensions
- Detail all building materials to be used
- Show a ground plan and an elevation drawing
- Any inflatable’s must be included on the plans
- Details must prove the structural stability
- Approval for a stand from a previous show will not be accepted as proof of approval and plans must be re-submitted for every show
- Approval must not be assumed until written approval is received from the Floor Manager.
- When written approval has been received for the original design, no alteration may be made without the approval of the Floor Manager.
- All plans, calculations and documentations must be in English and should clearly state the exhibiting companies name, stand number and the contact name and company of the contractor responsible for the stand
- A stand plan approval form, method statement, risk assessment and health and safety declaration must be submitted with the plans. You may choose not to use the forms provided in this manual and use your own templates instead.
Any non-complex Design proposal must be inspected pre-event by an independent structural engineer, visually inspected onsite and a certificate to commence build must be issued, the cost for these inspections is to £75.00 +VAT and has already been included in the exhibitors contract.
A complex structure can be described as any of the following:
- Multi Storey Stands (double deckers)
- Any part of a Stand or Exhibit that exceeds 4m in height (Inclusive of Platform / Raised Floor Installation)
- Suspended Structures /Lighting Rigs
- Sound /Lighting Towers
- Tiered Seating
- Platforms and OR Stages of 600mm and above or those which are for public use
Any complex design proposal must be approved pre-event by an independent structural engineer and a certificate to commence build must be issued, there is a cost for these inspections. Please note this cost is PER inspection. Details of costs can be found in the stand design inspection form.
You will need to supply the same paperwork as a non-complex structure (see above) but for a complex structure you will also need to submit structural calculations, dimensions of the risers and going to rise as well as handrail dimensional plans to to get clearance. A letter of approval once permission is granted will be provided.
Structures deemed COMPLEX need to submit Structural Calculations at the time of submitting plans and supporting documentation. Plans and supporting documentation must be submitted by the deadline date above. Failure to submit by the date will result in a penalty charge being applied unless authorised by Katy Leslie.